Wednesday, March 27, 2013

To Kill a Mockingbird.. To enjoy a book.

To Kill a Mockingbird has been taken out of some schools curriculum for more "modern" book. Well I say that if the author is still alive, the book is quite modern. Yes, Harper Lee is very much alive.

Not only that but To Kill a Mocking bird is a real interesting book! That's coming from me, a seven-teen year old picky reader who usually hates historical fiction. Though it isn't my absolute favorite book, it has easily made its way into my top three list.

To Kill a Mocking Bird has suspense, action, moral, mystery, and humor! Everything that makes a book good.

fun little comics of scenes from the book c:

strip poker ---------->

The book also has many lessons and literary merit. There are a lot of big words in the book, which makes it even better to keep it in school curriculum. They would be reading a fantastic book and expanding their vocab, isn't that what English teachers want..?

Before I get on to the teachings, I will must say this. Nothing makes it easier to read a book...

than to fall in love with a character. (I don't mean love love, I mean favorite character kind of love)

I'm talking about the one and only. Atticus.

great picture right ;)

He became my favorite character before I even knew what he was like. The name is literature GOLD.

What really makes a good book, is to have at least one amazingly likeable character, you got to have them, or the book is painful to read. Atticus made the book for me, and surely for many others. He's an amazing father, he sticks up for whats right, he has an awesome aim with the gun, and has an awesome sense of humor. c:

Now, here's another thing. To Kill a mocking bird really teaches you some history and, about how it was back then. It opens people's eyes, which really isn't a bad idea. Racism is clearly shown, but it also shows the innocence of a child. Also the irony that a child could see the truth clear as day, while the adults went with the world (with the exception of Atticus).

This book was amazing, purely amazing. Why people want to take it out of of schools, I have no idea.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Manga is good. c:

so I was on The New York Times website and found this article:

I found it interesting.. You don't find much news that views manga in a positive light, so this make me real happy. This article is quite info packed, I am surprised that it mentioned otakus, I honestly didn't think the news cared about us otakus at all, yet they too the time to get to know a few of them in Queens. This article, I think puts in a good word for otakus like me. It seemed to me that many people deemed manga evil because of the genres such as Yuri, Yaoi, and Hentai (seriously saying that manga is evil because there are bad mangas out there is saying that books are evil because there are bad books out there). This article give manga the positive light it deserves in my opinion c: ... The article is kinda defending manga budget cuts so we otakus can continue to enjoy manga!


Friday, March 1, 2013

You want to know about me? fine.

oh mai gosh lists *flips tables* ... enjoy.

10 things I know to be true:

1. Spiders should not have wings

2. Strawberry Milk is the meaning of life

3. I have done gagndam style on a hover craft. BRO!

6. Gravity Exists

7. I am an Otaku c:

8. I'm a nerd

9. "I'm Perfectly Broken" ;)

10. I just said hi.

10 objects I can't live without

1. Meat

2. Chocolate

3. Books/ Manga

4. pencil and paper

5. clothes

6. music

7. the internet

8. my scriptures

9. my bed

10. light

10 things I should have learned by now

1. how to cook

2. how to play the piano

3. how to read directions

4. how to stop procrastinating

5. how to hold chopsticks correctly

6. how to do make up.

7. how to make a proper lunch for school

8. how to not doodle during class

9. how to get to bed early

10. how to keep my room clean for more than a week

10 of my greatest fears

1. spiders

2. centipedes

3. drowning

4. being burned to death

5. being flayed alive

6. failing a class

7. betrayal of a friend

8. loosing my imagination and everything it gave me (such as my stories)

9. not being able to draw

10. going deaf

10 things/people/ places that make me the most happy

1. My family

2. God

3.My friends

4. My bed

5. My art desk

6. the couch

7. my fellow otakus

8. the doujo

9. Japan

10. my characters/ stories

5 places I will visit before I die

1. Tokyo Japan

2. The Shonen Jump editorial office with my manga in my hand

3. Palmyra

4. Kitchener/ Ontario, Canada

5. South Korea

and now... A POEM :

Kind, Creator, Dreamer, Thinker
Sister of Avram, Jordan, Ethan, and Emma
Lover of Red, Elves, and art.
Who feels independent, loved, and  content.
Who needs patience, a good listener, and a smile.
Who tries to give comfort, friendship, and comic relief.
Who fears of loosing her friends, family, and imagination
Who would like to see her manga in weekly Shonen Jump
Who would like to see her children smile
Who would like to see her dream come true
Who lives in a perfect room full of her passions.
That is, Savannah Neal.

now to show you a bit more about me.. I will share you my three favorite songs:

Orchard of Mines- Globus

I cannot begin to tell you why this song is my favorite, or why it is so special to me.. but it is.. and I will love it forever.

Perfect Life- RED

I can relate to this song in more ways than one... I have had problems with a 'perfect life' before.. and this song really helped me.

Its Good to be Alive- Jason Grey

just.. wow..

thank you for taking your time to read this c: have a nice night!
