Saturday, February 2, 2013

To College!

       Last week I was able to tour college campuses near where I live. I was able to go to BYU Provo (Brigam Young University), UvU (Utah Vally University), and U of U (University of Utah). I've loved BYU for as long as I can remember and I plan to go to BYU Idaho, but touring the campus of UvU and U of U gave me second thoughts.. I really loved the UvU campus and how all of the buildings were connected, the food court, and the ability to find your way around easily. I loved U of Us whole red theme, that being my favorite color, The campus was easy to get around, and one of the best parts for me was that it was close to Primary Childrens Hospital, which I go to alot to get check ups on my condition (I have Tuberous Sclerosis Complex). One thing that really killed my liking for U of U is the constant rivalry with BYU, I'm so sick of it, that would be my only concern going to either school, its that people can't shut up about their sports rivalry, I don't even like sports, not even to watch.
        I wish to major in something I ABSOLUTELY love! That is illustration. I have been drawing for five years in counting now. Manga specifically is my passion, I love to watch anime, read manga, draw it, and create my own. I always say art without passion are just scribbles on a page. I'm really just going to college to get an education, because being a manga artist is hard work but does not require much education. I love to learn, though it is hard and sometimes my grades suffer I still do the work and I learn.
        Another reason why I truly want to go to college is because I believe that my reason of living is to TEACH. I want to teach others and be an example. It doesn't mean I'm going to become a proffesional teacher, but I want to beable to teach my kids, my friends, and my co workers not only in knowledge but in wisdom, and at the right time teach them of my religioin ( I don't push it on people but I'm happy to share about it) I want to expand my knowledge so I can help others not just my self.
         PROCRASTINATION. Is horrible and the thing that keeps me from learning. I want to play video games, I want to read, I want to draw, and chat with friends but often my school work does not allow me to do so. As a result I end up procrastinating, and as a result of that I end up staying up late doing homework, and as a result of that I'm too tired to do anything the next day. I have had such a problem with procrastination and am still struggling with it right now (wants to be on deviant art or facebook). Procrastination and wanting to do what I WANT and not what I NEED is a real problem and is keeping me from learning what I really want to.
         Touring the campuses has made me really EXCITED for college, not only to learn but to know. I want to test my self and prove to my self that I can take care of my self and do things without my parents breathing down my back. I will have an apartment, a job, school, cooking for my self, buying my own things, and even having a relationship. Itwill be a big transition but I am SO EXCITED to do them because I will know that I am an adult and that I'm off to my dream of being a manga ka and a mother.


  1. Nice Savannah! I can totally agree to how the sports thing can be a constant bore to people who don't really focus on sports. But, other people who do love watching sports I can see how they would really get into that argument.
    Overall I really enjoyed your post and how it shows what you want to do in your future.

  2. It's so cool that you are perusing your dream of becoming a manga artist, not many people today go after what they want to do and become unhappy with their work. Its true, procrastination is horrible.
