Wednesday, March 27, 2013

To Kill a Mockingbird.. To enjoy a book.

To Kill a Mockingbird has been taken out of some schools curriculum for more "modern" book. Well I say that if the author is still alive, the book is quite modern. Yes, Harper Lee is very much alive.

Not only that but To Kill a Mocking bird is a real interesting book! That's coming from me, a seven-teen year old picky reader who usually hates historical fiction. Though it isn't my absolute favorite book, it has easily made its way into my top three list.

To Kill a Mocking Bird has suspense, action, moral, mystery, and humor! Everything that makes a book good.

fun little comics of scenes from the book c:

strip poker ---------->

The book also has many lessons and literary merit. There are a lot of big words in the book, which makes it even better to keep it in school curriculum. They would be reading a fantastic book and expanding their vocab, isn't that what English teachers want..?

Before I get on to the teachings, I will must say this. Nothing makes it easier to read a book...

than to fall in love with a character. (I don't mean love love, I mean favorite character kind of love)

I'm talking about the one and only. Atticus.

great picture right ;)

He became my favorite character before I even knew what he was like. The name is literature GOLD.

What really makes a good book, is to have at least one amazingly likeable character, you got to have them, or the book is painful to read. Atticus made the book for me, and surely for many others. He's an amazing father, he sticks up for whats right, he has an awesome aim with the gun, and has an awesome sense of humor. c:

Now, here's another thing. To Kill a mocking bird really teaches you some history and, about how it was back then. It opens people's eyes, which really isn't a bad idea. Racism is clearly shown, but it also shows the innocence of a child. Also the irony that a child could see the truth clear as day, while the adults went with the world (with the exception of Atticus).

This book was amazing, purely amazing. Why people want to take it out of of schools, I have no idea.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Manga is good. c:

so I was on The New York Times website and found this article:

I found it interesting.. You don't find much news that views manga in a positive light, so this make me real happy. This article is quite info packed, I am surprised that it mentioned otakus, I honestly didn't think the news cared about us otakus at all, yet they too the time to get to know a few of them in Queens. This article, I think puts in a good word for otakus like me. It seemed to me that many people deemed manga evil because of the genres such as Yuri, Yaoi, and Hentai (seriously saying that manga is evil because there are bad mangas out there is saying that books are evil because there are bad books out there). This article give manga the positive light it deserves in my opinion c: ... The article is kinda defending manga budget cuts so we otakus can continue to enjoy manga!


Friday, March 1, 2013

You want to know about me? fine.

oh mai gosh lists *flips tables* ... enjoy.

10 things I know to be true:

1. Spiders should not have wings

2. Strawberry Milk is the meaning of life

3. I have done gagndam style on a hover craft. BRO!

6. Gravity Exists

7. I am an Otaku c:

8. I'm a nerd

9. "I'm Perfectly Broken" ;)

10. I just said hi.

10 objects I can't live without

1. Meat

2. Chocolate

3. Books/ Manga

4. pencil and paper

5. clothes

6. music

7. the internet

8. my scriptures

9. my bed

10. light

10 things I should have learned by now

1. how to cook

2. how to play the piano

3. how to read directions

4. how to stop procrastinating

5. how to hold chopsticks correctly

6. how to do make up.

7. how to make a proper lunch for school

8. how to not doodle during class

9. how to get to bed early

10. how to keep my room clean for more than a week

10 of my greatest fears

1. spiders

2. centipedes

3. drowning

4. being burned to death

5. being flayed alive

6. failing a class

7. betrayal of a friend

8. loosing my imagination and everything it gave me (such as my stories)

9. not being able to draw

10. going deaf

10 things/people/ places that make me the most happy

1. My family

2. God

3.My friends

4. My bed

5. My art desk

6. the couch

7. my fellow otakus

8. the doujo

9. Japan

10. my characters/ stories

5 places I will visit before I die

1. Tokyo Japan

2. The Shonen Jump editorial office with my manga in my hand

3. Palmyra

4. Kitchener/ Ontario, Canada

5. South Korea

and now... A POEM :

Kind, Creator, Dreamer, Thinker
Sister of Avram, Jordan, Ethan, and Emma
Lover of Red, Elves, and art.
Who feels independent, loved, and  content.
Who needs patience, a good listener, and a smile.
Who tries to give comfort, friendship, and comic relief.
Who fears of loosing her friends, family, and imagination
Who would like to see her manga in weekly Shonen Jump
Who would like to see her children smile
Who would like to see her dream come true
Who lives in a perfect room full of her passions.
That is, Savannah Neal.

now to show you a bit more about me.. I will share you my three favorite songs:

Orchard of Mines- Globus

I cannot begin to tell you why this song is my favorite, or why it is so special to me.. but it is.. and I will love it forever.

Perfect Life- RED

I can relate to this song in more ways than one... I have had problems with a 'perfect life' before.. and this song really helped me.

Its Good to be Alive- Jason Grey

just.. wow..

thank you for taking your time to read this c: have a nice night!


Thursday, February 21, 2013

How to Draw Manga Head Shots!

So! I'm hear to teach you how to draw manga head shots!


In all things I start with the guide lines! which, for me look something like this:

doesn't look like much but I start ALL of my drawings like this, with a basic guide line, some may think you don't need them, I didn't think I needed them, not until I actually started using them did I realize how big of a help they were.

soo.. I SUGGEST USING THEM! (trust me you want to)

the next step is head shape and body shape (adding in shoulders just for fun c:)

NOW as you can see, I didn't 'stick ' to the guide lines completely, I like to think of it as modeling from a basic figure that helps you get your figure down.

I first draw two lines down the side of the circle for the sides of the head.

second I connect them at the chin (oh just in case you didn't know you should probably know we are drawing a girl ^^')

third I draw two curving lines down from the jaw so that the chin is in the middle.

fourth step is to draw curving lines for the shoulders, they vary quite a bit, think of  them as hills.

the fifth step is to draw the top of the head, which isn't completely necessary but it helps you when you are drawing the hair.

and now you have the basic shape down! c:


with the face, it is always best to start with the eyes! This is where you need to experiment abit, because EVERYONE has their OWN STYLE OF EYES. here are examples from various animes/mangas:

I found some that really stuck out from the average manga/anime eye style (such as Yugi-OH! and Dragon Ball) but as you can see, every artist has their own way of doing things, like me:

Though for me, my style of eye changes depending on my mood and the character I'm drawing, but my average female eye would look something like this.

before we get to actually placing the eyes on the picture, you want to draw the nose and the mouth, it helps you place your eyes better.

once again the mouths and noses depend on STYLE, some are small, some are BIG applying to both so you can really decide on your own how you want to do them.

now we are going to apply eyes to the drawing! You want to place your eyes on the horizontal line on the guide lines, that should be about the place the eyes could be, or a bit lower depending.Once you add eyes and other details (eye brows, which can just be curved lines about the eyes, blush marks, not all styles have them though, and ears, you don't have to draw them, you can cover them with hair but if you do just semi circles can work or you can go detailed as I have) you can erase your guide lines and your drawing should look something like this:



once again , the hair depends on style, but the great thing about manga is that it can be HUGE and have ridiculous and messy styles and still look good.. EXAMPLES!

Yugi is a perfect example because he has the square blocky hair that many mangas have... some more extreme than others.

Second is Ricalna and Syal from Mother Keeper, their hair is more detailed and flowy, natural (though he does have a piece of hair that always curls up from the bangs, that actually really common in manga I do it with my persona and a few of my characters) the hair is more 'realisitic' in a sense, I honestly prefer this, it look much nicer.

I my self go towards the natural hair, depending on my mood (its always with my mood) I will draw the hair very detailed, sometimes I'll leave it a little blocky like so:

now all that is left is the clothes!

now the same principle with hair goes with clothing, there is blocky clothing and flowy clothing, I suggest going with the same type as the type of hair you do c: and don't forget to sign it! wala! you have a drawing!


that is all I have to say c: I'd love to see your drawings if you followed along!


Friday, February 15, 2013

How to make super sugoi, yummy, carb free FLUF

Hai! So I'm going to teach you how to make this yummy carb free fluff!

these are the suplies you need-

You will need:
-an 8 oz package of light or fat free cream cheese
-1 cup of Whipping Cream
-a small package of sugar free Jello (that makes about 4 1/2 servings)
-1/2 cup of Light sour cream
- and 2 tsp. of Splenda (the sugar free sugar ;D)

You are first going to start with the Jello. Prepare it as the box instructs in a mixing bowl (you will want to use your mixer TRUST ME). Let it set for about 50 minutes.

Mix the jello alone until its foamy, niicee and foamy :3 like this:

afterwards put your cream cheese in a small mixing bowl and grab a wooden (or plastic, it doesn't matter, it could be anything really) and stir.. yeah STIR the cream cheese, this will prevent cheese cream clumps (like when I first made this desert) and give the desert a smoother texture.

its hard to see but it should look more like sour cream than cream cheese after you stir it.

after you have stirred the cream cheese measure out a half cup of light sour cream. scrape both the cream cheese and the sour cream into the mixing bowl with the jello and then turn on the mixer ...and let it mix... MIX LIKE THE WIND! until it looks like this:

after this poor it into a separate bowl and beat it with a whisk to get all the lumps out that might be there.

after wards, clean the bowl and mixer whisk then place them back on the mixer

add the whipping cream and splenda into the bowl and whip it (MIXEZ IT FASSST)

I like to over whip it a bit, but don't turn in to butter ;)

after that scrape out the whipped cream into the bowl with the creamy jello... stuff.. and fold (or stir I guess) it into the creamy jello stuff ;)

after it all turns one color take the hand whisk again and mix it to get any possible lumps (there may be obvious ones you need to get out too) and you will find a bowl full of creamy yumminess :D

when you are finished whisking get cups or glasses or what ever you want to put the dessert in and put it in the fridge to set!

NOW here is the best part! LICKING THE BOWL! feel free to lick the two bowls in victory! Licking the bowl is probably my favorite part of this whole desert XD

so after it sets you will have a nice desert waiting for you!


This desert is from the book The Metabolism Miracle, for everyone I know, that book is the guide line to the diet I'm on ^^ . SO this resipe came from the book, but I gave you the perfected version ;D


 and this fluf reminds me of a fluffy pudding.. so enjoy this cute random video~PUDI!

 ~Yume <3

Friday, February 8, 2013

An Artist's Treasure Chest.

I searched for some blogs that interested me, but when I searched I found it hard to find blogs on what I actually liked.. but I did find one when my friend mentioned it on DeviantART

A blog full of WIP (works in progress) and some finished. They have such a wonderful way of drawing even their half finished works are amazing. This blog is like a treasure chest to me. Not only does it show amazing drawings but it also shows some of the sketches and the process of them. The website is clean and easy to move around and easy to get back to the main page. I find this page also inspiring because it shows the process and a bit of how they color their pictures, it is a style I've been meaning to try for a long time c:

The second one isn't a blog, but seeing I'm really in the mood right now:

the RED website. If you know me, you know I love them. This is pretty much their blog, it has tour dates, new videos, and new news. As well as links to different websites they are on (facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube) Their layout is clean and organized and easy to browse. Especially for me its an easy way to figure out tour dates to see if they are coming to Salt Lake City anytime soon (which they're not TT__TT), I can check to see what merchandise they have, see what their up to, and see photos from tours and behind the scenes. Its a good fan base for me and many other RED heads!

they're just COOL, and perfect for someone like me!


Saturday, February 2, 2013

To College!

       Last week I was able to tour college campuses near where I live. I was able to go to BYU Provo (Brigam Young University), UvU (Utah Vally University), and U of U (University of Utah). I've loved BYU for as long as I can remember and I plan to go to BYU Idaho, but touring the campus of UvU and U of U gave me second thoughts.. I really loved the UvU campus and how all of the buildings were connected, the food court, and the ability to find your way around easily. I loved U of Us whole red theme, that being my favorite color, The campus was easy to get around, and one of the best parts for me was that it was close to Primary Childrens Hospital, which I go to alot to get check ups on my condition (I have Tuberous Sclerosis Complex). One thing that really killed my liking for U of U is the constant rivalry with BYU, I'm so sick of it, that would be my only concern going to either school, its that people can't shut up about their sports rivalry, I don't even like sports, not even to watch.
        I wish to major in something I ABSOLUTELY love! That is illustration. I have been drawing for five years in counting now. Manga specifically is my passion, I love to watch anime, read manga, draw it, and create my own. I always say art without passion are just scribbles on a page. I'm really just going to college to get an education, because being a manga artist is hard work but does not require much education. I love to learn, though it is hard and sometimes my grades suffer I still do the work and I learn.
        Another reason why I truly want to go to college is because I believe that my reason of living is to TEACH. I want to teach others and be an example. It doesn't mean I'm going to become a proffesional teacher, but I want to beable to teach my kids, my friends, and my co workers not only in knowledge but in wisdom, and at the right time teach them of my religioin ( I don't push it on people but I'm happy to share about it) I want to expand my knowledge so I can help others not just my self.
         PROCRASTINATION. Is horrible and the thing that keeps me from learning. I want to play video games, I want to read, I want to draw, and chat with friends but often my school work does not allow me to do so. As a result I end up procrastinating, and as a result of that I end up staying up late doing homework, and as a result of that I'm too tired to do anything the next day. I have had such a problem with procrastination and am still struggling with it right now (wants to be on deviant art or facebook). Procrastination and wanting to do what I WANT and not what I NEED is a real problem and is keeping me from learning what I really want to.
         Touring the campuses has made me really EXCITED for college, not only to learn but to know. I want to test my self and prove to my self that I can take care of my self and do things without my parents breathing down my back. I will have an apartment, a job, school, cooking for my self, buying my own things, and even having a relationship. Itwill be a big transition but I am SO EXCITED to do them because I will know that I am an adult and that I'm off to my dream of being a manga ka and a mother.