Friday, January 18, 2013

Looking for Insperation


      I see artists who draw just because they want attention. They have no passion for what they draw, and a drawing without passion is just a bunch of scribbles on a page. I have passion. I love to draw just for the sake of drawing, give me a writing utensil and paper of any kind you will find drawings on there you can count on it. Though lately I have been thinking, what else can I do besides draw my characters and fan art? That is when I decided. I want to INSPIRE people.

      In eight grade when I first started drawing we had a foreign exchange student from China, her name was Chloe. I'd proudly draw during class fantasizing about how amazing I would be in who knows how long and then I saw her drawings, she was amazing. I was so jealous. I felt like my drawings were no good and worthless, I felt like that for awhile, but as time passed I stopped looking at her as a rival of good art, but as an INSPIRATION. She was amazing, I was getting there, I decided then that I would get as good as her no matter what and it caused me to push harder and put more effort into my works. Three years later I did what I set out to do and I will always remember Chloe, and even though she didn't realize it, what an INSPIRATION she was to me.

       I want to also be like that I want to be an INSPIRATION to other people, in more ways than one. I want to set an example as a manga ka by only drawing clean things with no dirty jokes or bad language. I want people to look at my drawings and be INSPIRED as I was by Chloe. I want to set an example and share my joy in drawing so they can be INSPIRED if anything to just be happier.

I will also bluntly state that I could of not gotten this far without God. It hasn't just been drawing a lot that has made me a good artist, it has been my personal experiences and trials that have shaped who I am so I can INSPIRE others, and if at all possible, lead them to my Heavenly Father who made it all possible.

1 comment:

  1. I like your songs. It shares a little bit about yourself and is pretty inspirational. Without inspiration, I would hardly ever get anything done in my life. There's been so much inspiration in my life that I've forgotten to be thankful for.Thanks for helping me realize this blessing. We should all try to set an example and be inspiration to someone else.
