Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Perfect Day

            My perfect day would most likely be longer than a day. It would start off by waking up on my own to see the sun outside, hear birds chirping, and my room clean and bright. Breakfast would be waffles with maple syrup, whipped cream, and sprinkles. On the side I would love breakfast sausage also with maple syrup, raspberries, and to top it all off a tall glass of delicious strawberry milk. Quite a fattening meal, and that's the only thing that keeps me from actually eating it, though it is tempting for someone like me.

           I would stay in sweats and a T-shirt all day keeping my hair up in a bun or a pony tail, after breakfast I would go down stairs and play video games for a bit, such as Zelda or Final Fantasy. After that is the hard part, do I write or draw? I enjoy doing both equally, I guess it would depend how inspired I was, and what type of inspiration I had. I would end up doing both anyway, the hard part is which one I would do first.

          My perfect lunch would be a bento box of terriaki chicken, sticky rice, giyoza, various types of sushi, and mizo soup. Watching a few anime episodes while eating would complete the mood. After lunch nothing would make me happier than to plug in my ipod and listen to anything from Hard Rock to J-pop letting my imagination take me on an adventure. Perhaps more drawing would be nice, to watch a movie while fiddling around in my sketchbook is one of my favorite pass times.

         That day would not be spent alone, going to a relatives house for dinner or having a girls night with my friends would fit well in my perfect day. Whether it be playing "what if" with my family or getting hyper on icecream, cookies, and pizza with my best friends.

        Visiting my friends and family would not be the end though. Towards the end of the day it would get overcast and begin to poor down rain like no tomorrow. I would snuggle up in one of my warm blankets next to one of my family room lamps, book in hand. I would have a supply of pocky and oreos next to me, though if it was truly a perfect day, they wouldn't give me some unwanted weight. How long would I read? That depends, it could be till the crack of dawn or just an hour or two but I would enjoy every last second of it, and when I'm really into a book, approaching would not be the safest thing in the world. What better thing to happen then to fall asleep in the very place you were reading, dreaming of the many worlds in my head, or of the future, or of life as it is now.

      You can call me what you wish.. Savannah, Savy, Elf, Pann, Kaika Yume, FireFly, or Otako. BUT they will all be the same elf loving manga artist with a sweet tooth.


  1. Wow. Your perfect day is loaded with wonderfully splendid things. Waffles for breakfast seems to be the perfect day trend. I totally agree. My perfect breakfast waffle would be topped with whipped cream, Nutella, and piled high with delicious berries. Yes, I would eat it all without any regret. I also agree that any good day definitely includes sweats. Sweats are seriously my best friend(besides sleep ofcourse). We should also go have Asian food together sometime! Sushi and Fried rice are the best! You did such a great job at describing your perfect day. Your writing totally reflected your personality. I could picture you talking the whole time. You're unique and so awesome! :)

  2. 24 hours definitely is not enough to have a perfect day! I always wish that we had 48 a day to complete my homework plus time for leisure such as going for a walk, drawing, chatting with our friends, and making treats to make ourselves happy. I love Japanese food too, especially curry chicken and ramen. I really enjoy looking at your sketchbook because your drawings are AMAZING! Those cartoons are Fab!!
